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08:00 – 20:00


09:30 – 20:00


08:00 – 20:00


08:00 – 20:00

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de la 200 lei

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Noi suntem cei care îți putem reda zâmbetul!

Tratamente stomatologice de calitate, materiale și tehnologie de ultimă generație, fără durere, mediu prietenos, personal tânăr, amabil și profesionist.

Vezi cabinetul

Laser assisted modern dentistry in Romania,

The use of lasers in dentistry has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering numerous benefits for patients. Lasers can be used to perform a wide variety of dental procedures, including fillings, canal sterilization, teeth whitening, gum reshaping, and many more. One of the major benefits of using lasers compared to traditional methods is that […]

Albirea dinților

In ultima vreme exista tot mai multi pacienti care se arata interesati de albirea dintilor. Aceasta se datoreaza...

Tooth Whitening with Laser, Romania

Using lasers in dentistry has become increasingly popular in recent years, providing numerous benefits for patients. Lasers can be used to perform a wide variety of dental procedures, including fillings, canal sterilization, tooth whitening, gum reshaping, and many more. One of the major benefits of using lasers over traditional methods is that they cause less […]
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